When we discuss weekly wages, we mean two things: (1) salaries being paid once a week, and (2) salaries calculated by weeks. Continue reading
Category Archives: 1.09 Payables to Employees
Hourly wages – what about them?
There are lines of work where employees are paid by the hours they put into their work effort. Of the top of my head, it can be guards for instance or people marketing goods within supermarket alleys etc. It depends on the best practices within your country, within your line of business. Continue reading
Things to consider in your business when employing people
Incentives to employees
Incentives (i.e. bonuses based on personal results, company’s performance etc.) aren’t things to be afraid of. Yes, they create expense within accounts; they’re an additional routine to maintain and so on, but what they actually do, if set up properly, is motivating people more. Continue reading
Working overtime is something that’s not always well looked at and there are various reasons for it, both economical and physical. Continue reading
Work by the piece
Administrating your payroll in a way that you pay for each piece produced (that is you pay to your workers say 1 CU for each item that they’ve produced during the period they get paid for, i.e. a week if you apply a weekly wage) means first off that you have people doing manual labor, that is, you have employees who produce goods. There’s nothing wrong with that, but more of stating the fact here. Continue reading
Payroll accounting
Payroll accounting and understanding the basic accounting entries is a crucial part of accounting and not just accounting in itself, also for your business. Continue reading