Category Archives: 3.5 Soft Values

Being accessible to people

In running your own business you must keep in mind a few things when it comes to communication. Being accessible to your personnel and / or clients is a tricky matter. On one hand you undoubtedly want your own time, time where nobody can reach or contact you with business matters, but on the other hand, it is your business.

In this sense, it being your own business, you cannot really take time off managing certain matters. Now unless you have a reliable person to delegate some things to, you need to ensure you can be contacted at time of need.  Continue reading

Confidentiality when it comes to client data

When thinking of your own personal dealings you have with companies, have you ever wondered why some information is asked from you? Or even more so, how they ensure the data doesn’t fall into third party hands? Obviously apart from the info you’ve consented to being shared.

Matter of fact is that some of it is really needed, i.e. e-mail address to send you the invoices, phone number to contact you in case of need and address to ship goods obviously, but why would they need your birthday or how many kids you have. And some could argue if the contact info is always needed in such detail.  Continue reading